Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Crop circle yang pertama kali ditemukan di Indonesia

Ini adalah gambar crop circle pertama kali yang ditemukan di Indonesia. yaitu tepatnya terletak di sebuah persawahan di kecamatan berbah, sleman, yogyakarta. temuan ini sangat menghebohkan masyarakat indonesia. crop circle yang diperkirakan berdiameter 70 meter ini, diduga merupakan jejak ufo hingga saat ini belum ada yang mengetahui, benar tidaknya keberadaan ufo tersebut. menurut warga setempat, pada sabtu malam, terdengar suara gemuruh seperti suara baling - baling helikopter yang sedang mendarat di areal persawahan tersebut, namun tak ada satu orang pun yang melihat itu, yang diketahui ialah suaranya saja.

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Cara membuat entry baru pada blogspot

Kembali menyapa para pembaca yang tercinta. namun entry saya kali ini hanya sekedar entry sederhana. dan berupaya untuk saling berbagi terhadap sesama. khususnya bagi para pemula yang ingin belajar nge-Blog.
Cara membuat entry baru pada blogspot :

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Semua karena sepakbola

Pasca digulirnya piala AFF SUZUKI CUP, Semua orang menjadi demam sepakbola. Hampir disetiap chanel tv dirumah saya menghadirkan berita tentang sepakbola. bukan hanya itu saja, saat ini juga lagi ramai diperbincangkan mengenai adanya kompetisi baru liga di indonesia. yaitu LPI atau liga primer indonesia.

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Pelajaran dini untuk beramal ilmu kepada teman - teman sekolah

Dalam islam menuntut ilmu itu wajib hukumnya. Ilmu itu adalah hal yang sangat menetukan bagi hidup kita, baik dimasa sekarang maupun masa yang akan datang. Menuntut ilmu itu tidak dibatasi dengan waktu, bagi orang - orang pandai, mereka tidak pernah bosan untuk menuntut ilmu. pepatah mengatakan, " Tuntutlah Ilmu sampai negeri cina" ada juga yang mengatakn, " Tuntutlah ilmu setinggi langit".

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


Setelah errornya template blog saya, serasa semua berubah pada blog saya!
bukan hanya pada tampilannya, tapi saya merasa gadget - gadget saya banyak yang menghilang entah kemanan perginya!

Rabu, 29 September 2010


Saya terkejut, ketika melihat online dan membuka blog saya. saya berfikir, "kenapa ya kok blog saya gadgetnya menghilang?". saya bingung, karena gadgetnya hilang semua, terus kolomnya tidak bisa dipakai. saya mencoba untuk membenahinya, ternyata masih tidak bisa juga. dalam hati saya, rasa sangat marah, kelisah, sedih bercampur aduk menjadi satu.

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Alexa semakin menjauh

Akhir - akhir ini saya rasa ada yang berubah dari blog saya. Alexa blog saya bukannya naik, tapi kok malah menurun. Ini karena saya malas untuk posting dan berkunjung ke teman - teman. mungkin juga karena kurangnya inspirasi, bingung, apa yang harus saya posting. sangat disayangkan padahal sudah lumayan alexanya, tapi gara - gara malas online jadinya kembali lagi. Sedikit tips buat teman - teman atau pemula yang ingin supaya alexanya cepat naik.

Senin, 19 April 2010

Hanya cerita biasa

Ternyata nasib tidak memihak kepadaku. Padagal pengunjung lumayan banyak, tapi sayang blog saya belum ada paypalnya. Rasanya kurang lengkap. Tapi mau bagaimana lagi, saya belum punya KTP karena saya masih pelajar. Sedangkan persyaratan untuk daftar di Paypal minimal harus berusia 18 tahun.
Kata guru saya, saya disuruh untuk meminjam KTP orang tua saya. Pernah saya mencobanya, namun saya masih bingung untuk mendaftarkannya. saya kurang faham, ya maklum namanya masih dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun akan saya coba lagi untuk mendaftar di paypal. dan semoga kali ini saya berhasil.
Do'akan saya ya!

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Kata kata bijak

Jauhilah dengki, karena dengki memakan amal kebaikan sebagaimana api memakan kayu bakar.
"Nabi Muhammad SAW"

Yang terbaik di antara kalian adalah mereka yang berakhlak paling mulia.
"Nabi Muhammad SAW"

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Facebook jadi, Blog ditinggal!

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya membuatkan facebook untuk teman saya, awalnya dia hanya ingin sekedar tahu dan ingin mengenal sesuatau yang baru. Lalu dia mencari teman buwat  iseng-iseng atau buat nambah daftar temen saja. tetapi kok lama-lama malah terus-terusan, mungkin karena kesasyikan chatting sama cewek di facebook. Akhirnya karena keasyikan facebook-an eh akhirnya blog temen tidahk diurus. hehe

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Mengganti kata sandi pada facebook

Mungkin kali ini pistingan saya agak aneh, tapi gak papalah, dari pada tidak sama sekali.
Setelah beberapa jam yang lalu teman saya bertanya "bisa gak sih kalo password untuk log in di facebook itu diganti terus bagaimana caranya?".
Mudah saja, gini caranya.
Anda masuk dulu ke fecbook dengan password anda yang lama, lalu jika memang anda ingin mengganti password anda, sorot dan klik akun. setelah itu pilih dan klik pengaturan akun. setelah itu anda sorot kata sandi, lalu klik ganti terus terserah anda mau diganti apa kata sandinya. selesai deh, mudahkan. hehe
Selamat mencoba teman teman!

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Why Hell most are women!

Most of the Fire Why women?
you want to know why? here it is the answer!

Strange story

This time I'm not going to talk about the latest information or articles. This time I just want a little story.
Already more than ten days I did not post. it is in today because of me is a bit busy with schoolwork, so lazy online. in addition, I also difficult to get the ideas for the brilliant posts. finally something that is not in want datng too, visitors to escape. This is a mistake, because it is less active. but natural because I was busy with my school matters, so a little aside online. but it does not matter, because that's my lazy.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Cherish the time

Time is money. We all know that time is very important to us, especially in our daily lives. Even so, we sometimes make mistakes and forget about it. we do not appreciate the time and even waste. Examples: The A, as a school, he never appreciated her time, her unruly children and not want to learn. but he ignored that, over time he became lazy child. after he came home from school, he played with his friends and came home late afternoon. after that he took a shower and then immediately watch television, after which he slept and then woke up, showered and went to school.

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Experiences and tips for our blog visitors more crowded than usual.

This time I will share some experiences and tips for our blog more visitors than usual.

Everyone who has a blog, would want to visit the bustling blog.

Like my first, first time my blog so, I felt like my blog so visitors crowded, but I rarely melakuukan blogwalking, and rarely online. Then in the end I tried to do blogwalking more often, both hers my friends and others, and almost every day I was online. morning and evening, since the day I had to go to school. Eventually over time I get better results than before. more of my blog visitors, but when the blog started a little noisy visitors, I am trying to visitors who visit the blog I do not feel bored. I always beerusaha for posting, although not every day. at least 1 week for beginners like me.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Dispose of waste in place

Let's trash the place, to build a clean environment, away from disease and disaster. by doing this simple thing, we are including people who love the earth. Let us take care of our earth is getting older it's for our children and grandchildren that will trash the place. let us not throw garbage anywhere. indeed many people who do not care, even many people or students who throw garbage anywhere. causing this environment becomes dirty, filthy garbage strewn everywhere.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Do not stay up

It brings up all the effects are not good for our health. allows us susceptible to illness due to frequent night in the wind. does not matter if we stay up because there are important things, but if we stay up, but there was no good at all we will lose big. As we often stay up late into the night, we will be hard to get up early, we are reluctant to conduct activities during the morning.

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Information about Muslim women part III

Today many women mengguanakan women's perfume smell out of the house to smell.

how when a Muslim woman uses perfume out of the house, if allowed, and how the law ..?

of jewelry that is forbidden in Islam is a woman who uses perfume. Islam forbids women using the perfume out of the house, for fear that the smell wafted by men.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Information about Muslim women part II

Today many women Women who shave her eyebrows, and then he makes his own line of eyebrow to look more beautiful. What is the ruling shave her eyebrows for the religion of Islam?

Prohibition in Islam a female, male and nail to maintain the long

What is legal in Islam a religion of men and women to maintain long nails?

As explained dalm words of the Prophet. which reads:
"Five nature to be done, ie: circumcision, shaving the hair
(below), cutting (smoothed) mustache, memotonh nails and plucking the armpit hair ".
                                                                 (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood and Ahmad)

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Information about Muslim women

What is the legal filing and spacing of teeth for Muslim women ..?
today many women we meet a woman and even dilute filing her teeth to make them appear more beautiful and attractive ..
Would doing something like that is allowed in Islam ...?

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Benefits of chocolate

Start the friends who did not dare to eat chocolate for fear of obesity, I have little information about chocolate. I hope my friends who had not dared to eat chocolate, after you read the information from me so do not be afraid to eat chocolate.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Little about Notebook

If you want to buy a computer and still consider, select which desktop or notebook, I give a little information about it.
If you have more money you must choose which confused.
Here are advantages and disadvantages of the computer notebook used ..
Physically, the computer used to be bigger than the Notebook. and should be placed on the table, can not be taken anywhere. but the computer's power is stronger durability of the notebook, because it directly plugged into the electricity, and the engine is not easy to heat. while using the notebook battery and should be in carging when the batteries run out. Notebook in addition equipped with WiFi and a webcam. not good if we could be internet in our home area is free Internet broadcast. was quite a bit my knowledge of Notebooks. but it's up to you to choose which one. Your satisfaction is important.

Windows Vista

Windows Vista is Microsoft's new version of windows after the windows xp, GUI-based operating system from Microsoft that is used in personal computers (PCs), both for pengguuna home, business, or laptop computers. Before they were announced with the name of Windows Vista on 22 July 2005, the operating system is better known by his codename Longhorn (derived from the name Longhorn saloon, a popular bar in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada). Microsoft released windows vista on 8 november 2006 for business users and 30 January 2007 for home users. Thus, the launch of this windows vista is more than five years since the launch of Windows XP on 25 October 2001.
A new face called windows vista aero, built on a new machine called the Desktop Windows Manager. Windows Aero, also known as the aero glass, add support for 3D graphics (known as flip 3D), window transparency, animation, and other visual effects. Windows Aero requires graphics cards and high-end hardware capacity as:
  1. 64 MB of graphics memory is recommended to set layers 1024 * 768, and 128 MB to 1600 * 1200 +.  
  2. At least 32 bits per pixel 
  3. 3D hardware that supports accellaration direct 9.0  
  4. Memory with bandwidth (bandwidth) is recommended 2 GB / s  
  5. Ability to draw ~ 1.5 million triangles / second, with Setu window until ~ 150 triangles  
  6. Supports Windows Driver Display Driver Model (WDDM).
    Vista also offers other aero models:  
      1. Standard Mode, is a variant of Windows Aero transparency, animation, and other graphical effects like Flip 3D.
      2. Windows Classic mode, also available as the most basic interface. Windows classic has a similar view with Windows 2000 and do not use the Desktop Composition Engine new. Windows Classic Windows XP requires drivers Display Driver Model (XPDM) or WDDM and graphics card that supports Windows 2000.

      Source :

      Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

      Create a blog was not easy as we imagine

      Create a blog was not as easy as we imagine. If we are ordinary people, would we just create a blog, then there is only one post that has made us proud. Everyone can make a blog reply just like that, because the existing instructions.

      Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010


      Internet is not something that is familiar to us. because today all over the world, almost all of the residents had known the Internet, both the children, adults, or the mothers, but there is also not known what it was the internet. Internet is helping us in our daily lives. by using the Internet we can find information from various parts of the world.

      in the year 2003 the world's Internet users reached 502 million people.

      According to the World Statistic 1,076,203,987 Internet users are men, may now reach triliyunan.

      Was in Indonesia itself, in the year 2001 Internet users reached 2.4 million people. then in 2004 reached 5 million people and in 2005 reached 18 million people. Indonesia is the largest number of Internet users to 15

      Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

      Initial understanding of the computer

      Initially at the time was Junior, a computer is not so familiar with me. Maybe because at that time less deeply about computers. Only the word, exel, and games that I know. But after graduating from junior high school, I experienced a total change, because I go to CMS Computer Network Engineering. Initially it was tough, because parents are forced together. But gradually I became like a computer, and then in the end I knew little about the hardware and software. I now know a bit about what it was the motherboard, processor, co processor, cd room, disk drives, hard disk, c mos, power supply, memory, PCI slots, AGP slot, VGA, COM, LPT, USB ports and others. I also know what it was installing, but for now I am still not able to install the operating system to install the application while I was a little can.

      Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

      SMA Or SMK

      As before graduating from smp, we will always be in demand to select an option, the school are we? SMA or SMK. school is not the place to play and so on. We'll regret it if we choose the wrong school, because in this case we also must look ahead. If we choose high school, our future must be how .. whether the college or the like, .. we should consider it. this indeed seem trivial, but it is very meaningful to our future. If we choose a SMK, we also have to consider everything. The SMK is a bit different from high school. We also will be confused where we will choose when it passed the SMK. directly to work or to college.

      it all depends on our own, because of what we would later it depends on our own

      Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

      The worst experiences I've ever experienced in school

      This is a piece of the story of the past, which at the time I was sitting in 9th grade SMP. It is only the worst experiences I've ever experienced in school. At first, I and my friends went to mosque, because at that time at school because there is no lesson that time we will take raport UAS results. We actually already know that later in the school, we will also implement activities for the announcement ceremony rank. that time we did not think the ceremony will be held earlier than usual. because usually the ceremony in our school-hour running time is 4 pm. while waiting for the prayer time ashar, we relaxed in the mosque, as if we ignored what was in school. Our adzan hear directly take water for ablution and rushed to perform their prayers. after that, we went back to school, then at that moment we heard the principal speech, a sign that the ceremony had been in la since. when we did not dare to go to school. Our feeling then was afraid, at that very moment, I heard the headmaster announced that students get a rank. To my surprise when I heard my name mentioned in the ceremony, the article I get the rank 3. In the heart speaks "how this happen, has not followed the ceremony is now my name was called to come forward, I must be punished". then, after the ceremony we went back to school. finally, we were punished. I'm sorry for having done something wrong and do not obey school rules.

      Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009


      Jogjakarta, located in central Java province in Indonesia. The city is still very strong sense of keratin. The town is also often called the city of batik in fact has abundant natural beauty. Call it a machete Tritis beach, beach, located in the southern part of Jogja has beautiful scenery, high mountains towering beside the beach, and beaches are clean, make us feel at home there.
      But besides the beach in jogja Tritis machetes are also wonders of the world, the Borobudur. What makes me amazed at Borobudur is nothing other than this building is still standing strong despite hundreds of years old, or maybe thousands of years. But unfortunately in the year 2004 jogjakarta affected by the earthquake, so the building is a bit damaged. But even so the landscape of Borobudur is still very beautiful. how not, when we will be at the top of Borobudur, we can see the mountains around us. We also can buy souvenirs there. Nah gonna lose when we visit there.
      If jogja do not forget to stop by also to Malioboro. Malioboro is a good place to buy souvenirs. Everyone was there, including, batik t-shirts, just a lot bakpia deh. Do not be afraid if you want to ride tricycles because there rickshaw ride enough just Rp.3000, you will be delivered to anywhere you want to buy souvenirs.
      Welcome to visit jogja ..

      Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

      Date of birth

      His father named Chusnul Gufron, his father was one of the many college alumni IAIN, so he got a degree at a time when it was Drs. his mother was the point of sustainability, he comes from ponorogo, the city known as the city reog. He was born approximately 15 years ago, precisely on 28 July 1994. when he was born, his parents gave him the name Anas Fakhruddin in the hope that he becomes a child who can boast parents later when he was big. Currently she liked learning English and TKJ. Currently he also wants to form the popular base in a way a lot of practice.

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