Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Why Hell most are women!

Most of the Fire Why women?
you want to know why? here it is the answer!

As the Prophet. said, which reads:
Because they (the women) the rejection of the husband. if the husband continues to do well - again, then so do bad, he would say: "You've never done good to me".
That is one reason women become most of the Fire. But if a woman does not want to be companions of Hell, so if her husband did something that was not kind to him, should be the warning with the words good and decent, so that the husband was not hurt. other than that the husband will also ridho faults and remain happy and not the rejection of her husband.

If a woman can do things like that, then he deserves heaven. as the Prophet. said:
Anyone from women who died and her husband ridho him, then he would be heaven.
So basically, a woman who can keep going wrong and sincere and not the rejection of her husband's goodness, kindness, then such a woman will become the Host 

Source: taken from the book Ust. Labib, titled Mz Problematika Muslimah Masa Kini Di Era  Modernsasi 


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